RCG FAQ (by Darth Rich)

    * What was the URL?
    * What is the RCG
    * Is this the same comic you guys used to do?
    * So why is it called RCG? What does it stand for?
    * Is this the same thing as "Circus of Infinite Karma"
    * Will you be posting the Circus strips again?
    * There are two of you. Who does what?
    * How do I tell who wrote <insert strip date here>?
    * The strip always updates at midnight GMT. Do you guy like, wait up and FTP at midnight?
    * What's the deal with Father Patterson/Big Ben Kenobi/Robert Frost?
    * Hey I have a great idea for a new character! How about a <insert character here>?
    * Can I get an RCG T-Shirt?
    * Do you really look like that LEGO minifig (Darth Rich)?
    * What are you on?
    * What else do you guys do?

What was the URL?


What is the RCG

It's the Temple ov thee Lemur daily cartoon.

Is this the same comic you guys used to do?

Yes. We started with "Pigeon Wars" about 2 years ago, and it just kind of spiraled from there. At the time, I was still a student and the strip was only on an internal intranet, but still managed a readership of almost twelve. After a couple of months, we moved it to the University's web space, and people outside the department (and University) could see it. It was quite a suprise when we found out how many hits we were getting! It wasn't long before the University's computer services got annoyed with such a blatant waste if their facilities, and we had to move the strip to Sandwich.net. It was hosted there (at http://platypus.sandwich.net).

The move was marked with the change of the name to "disgruntled PLATYPUS" (a name which made no sense at the time, since it was over a year before our beloved Platypus would make his first appearance). After a while, the humour became somewhat tired (there are only so many pigeon jokes you can make), so we kept the format the same, but changed the characters. Ham Solo and Big Ben Kenobi apeared at that point, around the begining of 1999. We added a few more characters every couple of months and it grew organically from those humble begginings. Towards the end of 1999, Sandwich wound up their operation (due to being shafted by their credit company as far a we can tell), and we had to move again to TotL.net, which kind of made sense since we were both heavily involved in that site anyway. The strip can still be found at http://totl.net/RCG/

So why is it called RCG? What does it stand for?

It stands for Rank Copious Geese, can you guess why?

Is this the same thing as "Circus of Infinite Karma"

No, although some of the characters are the same. I'm guilty as far as CoIK goes, but Chris is (thankfully) innocent. We're gradually integrating more of the CoIK characters into RCG over the next few months.

Will you be posting the Circus strips again?

There are an awful lot of them, since the strip ran pretty much daily for about 18 months. There are no plans to post them at present, since we cannot be arsed. If we get enough mail about it from enough famous people we'll think about it. O the other hand, It might make a pretty neat TotL poll...

There are two of you. Who does what?

We alternate writing and art duties. Half the time Chris writes the strip and I draw it, and half the time I write and Chris draws.

How do I tell who wrote <insert strip date here>?

If the strip was funny, I probably wrote it (or it might have been Chris). If it's not, I probably wrote it anyway (but Chris might still be ultimately responsible).

The strip always updates at midnight GMT. Do you guy like, wait up and FTP at midnight?

No, we kind of cheat. We draw the strip and FTP during the day, and one of Chris' scripts updates the page at midnight.

What's the deal with Father Patterson/Big Ben Kenobi/Robert Frost?

Read the Character Profiles. They're not up yet, since we haven't had time to get them working after the move from sandwich.net, but they'll be up in a couple of weeks at the latest.

Hey I have a great idea for a new character! How about a <insert character here>?

While we welcome suggestions (and some of the characters in the strip at the moment were suggested by people mailing ideas to us), please NO MORE STAR WARS IDEAS!!! We have enough of those as it is, and we have firm ideas about where we want to take those aspects of the ongoing story. If you want to see a character appear in RCG, mail the idea to us at rcg@totl.net, but don't be suprised if we don't use your idea. Be even less suprised if we use some of your idea, but the result turns out to be completely unlike what you had in mind. In the words of TV Go Home: "Your submission becomes our 'bitch'. The moment you click that "SEND" button, you automatically endow us the right to re-edit your words and ideas into oblivion. It might not need changing."

Can I get an RCG T-Shirt?

Maybe if enough people express an interest, we'll get some printed. We'll probably run a poll for a while before we do, to see what strip you want to see on them.

Do you really look like that LEGO minifig (Darth Rich)?

Unfortunately, the likeness is a little too accurate. I don't have holes in my butt though, and I have more fingers and wear less black, but that's about the difference.

What are you on?

I'm on 10mg Rabeprazole Sodium and 80mg Codine, as well as assorted alcohol and caffeine based beverages. Chris tends to stick to Hot Lava Java, London Pride and Hill's Absinthe, with no particular preference as far as I can tell.

What else do you guys do?

Firstly there's the rest of TotL.net, which we're both heavily involved with. Chris is resposible for such classics as "STI", "Star Quotes" and most of the other stuff, and I worked on "Project EUNUCH" and "The Beer Witch Project", as well as www.microsith.com and a whole other bunch of things. Plus we both have crap bands. Chris is involved in "6ft Underground" and I've been doing "Worst Case Scenario" for a few years now. If you really want to support our fine work here, buy one of our CDs (we would view that more as charity than commerce).