Numerical Band Google Kudos Challenge


so, we were wondering, what happens if you do an "I Feel Lucky" search on google for the number "242". The result, of course, is!

So this is clearly an excellent metric of how neat a band is: Search google with just the number from the band name and see if the first match is the band homepage or just some other crap?

The frame on the left links directly to google I Feel Lucky searches so you can verify our findings.


#    BAND               RESULT            KUDOS
1    A1                 W3C               no
2    2 Unlimited        W3C               no
4    Lab 4              Netscape 4        no
5    Five               Shockwave         no
6    6 Foot Underground Netscape 6        no
8    Altern 8           RealPlayer        no
7    L7                 RealPlayer        no
9    Nine Inch Nails    9-11peace         no
12   D12                Forign Stuff      no
17   East 17            USA Copyright Law no
41   Sum41              Gallery 41        no
93   Current93          Nasa              no
100  Haircut 100        Top100            no
182  Blink 182          Blink 182         yes
187  187 Lockdown       The Film 187      no
242  Front 242          Front 242         yes
440  Apollo 440         Apollo 440        yes
606  Kid 606            Jazz              no
808  808 State          808 State         yes
911  911                Hippies           no
1000 1000 Homo DJs        no

All searches done in JAN-2002


1. (allowing for statistical error) The only bands with numbers in their titles are either punk, industrial, boybands or electronic. What's with that?

2. The only good bands are Front 242, Apollo 440 and 808 State. (How blink 182 made it into the kudos set is not yet fully understood.)

This scientific investigation was brung to you by TotL Labs, a division of the scary and evil Temple ov thee Lemur. Go and look at or risk being inflicted with the burrowing brain weasels.

This site was done by chris(do not spam me anymore, not that it matters cus I already get so much, dammit) - do not suggest more bands with numbers in. The experiment is now over.