Don't Cross the Memes!meme /meem/ n. An idea considered as a replicator, esp. with the connotation that memes parasitize people into propagating them much as viruses do. Do you remember "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US"? That was a meme. For no clear reason, people who heard it wanted to propagate it. It's viral information. The internet is full of memes, much like the rest of life. This is a well known fact. When Memes CollideBut what happens When Memes Collide? Given human nature, it's inevitable that memes will be combined, just as it is inevitable that the results of such unholy unions will be truly horrifying. Never ones to shy away from the bitter truth (even if we have to make it up ourselves) Temple ov thee Lemur has performed extensive research into this subject. So now brace yourself before proceeding to Our Monstrous Discoveries. |
Memes look like this:
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