The following questions have been designed by experts to determine your personality type. Some questions are weighted more than others. Please answer all questions and then click on the button at the bottom of the page.

Your Name:

The opposite sex are:

I prefer:

It is more important that clothing is:

Is it better to wear:

It is better to live:

When I feel bad it means that I need:

I would rather kill all:

The talented one was:

I would rather:

I mostly base my life on:

I want to kill my parents:

I would say that I am:

It is more important that music is:

I would rather:

I think that people should:

I am most afraid:

I relate more to:

I have more respect for:

I think that:

I think that:

It is more important to:

The thing that means most to me is:

I hate Jazz for:

The better website is:

I button a shirt: