Fox hunting is, of course, one of the great british pursuits, however in recent times it has become rather controversial, so we had to make a few changes.
Horses don't really work well in the city, and Rich won't go near horses, in case they are bears in disguise. Luckily motorbikes work nearly as well.
For some reason the council objected to our use of rifles in the city centre. So we now use the melee weapon of choice for the gentleman - a cricket bat.
It's apparently cruel to hunt real foxes so we had to improvise. This bloke we met down the pub sold us robotic foxes for two hundred quid each. The were really realistic, they ate and bled and everything. But it's OK to hurt robots as they don't have DNA.
For some reason our robo-fox supplying mate has been sent to prison before we could take photos. Necessity being the mother of invention, we have started hunting inner city vermin. After Christmas 2001 many parents discovered just how annoying the furby they had got for little Timmy had become and put it out with the rubbish. Evidently they missed the Furby-for-life-not-just-for-christmas adverts.
Unfortunately feral furbies are now succesfully breeding and have become quite a nuisance.
So it's OK to hurt them.

Prey Spotted
First we send a spotter out into the nastier concrete hives in the city to find a furby nest.
Once the prey has been sighted we move in.

Be vewwy vewwy quiet.
To make the kill we have to corner the beast. But remember - a furby is most dangerous when cornered!

Once we have the creature where we want it, someone is selected for the honour of making the kill. One swift clean stoke.

A good clean kill. See the guts fly!

The council pays two pounds per furby pelt, but we prefer to keep them - they look great mounted on the wall.
Some furbies are easier to hunt than others - we would recommend you start with the plain black ones.
Some of the white ones are very dangerous and should not be approached except by seasoned hunters.
Don't forget to check with the council - you may need a permit for furby hunting.
IMPORTANT It is illegal to hunt furbies in Scotland. It is quite legal in the rest of the UK. It's probably legal in the USA as they like killing stuff.