We at Temple ov thee Lemur receive no end of complaints that we have not represented whelks enough in previous articles. So for all you whelk lovers - here is a 100% whelk section. Each whelk-page has a ACE / AVERAGE / PANTS selector for voting on the quality of each whelk. The words next to the section numbers indicate how popular they are. Votes are tallied up every hour. Whelk on! |
#001 (whelktastic) | #009 (whelkarama) | #017 (whelkmungous) |
#002 (whelkarama) | #010 (whelkabunga) | #018 (whelkerific) |
#003 (whelklicous) | #011 (whelkmungous) | #019 (whelkabunga) |
#004 (whelktastic) | #012 (whelkarama) | #020 (whelkabunga) |
#005 (whelktastic) | #013 (whelkmungous) | #021 (whelkmungous) |
#006 (whelkarama) | #014 (whelktastic) | #022 (whelktastic) |
#007 (whelkarama) | #015 (whelkerific) | #023 (whelkerific) |
#008 (whelktastic) | #016 (whelktastic) | #024 (whelkmungous) |
Got Whelk? We may consider adding the finest user contributed whelks. Send your contributions to whelkmaster@totl.net If your whelks suck we will just say "you suck". (W) Whelkright 2001, totl.net |