For many hundreds of years bird watching has been a simple joy of country folk, and we, totl, have brought it into the city. We had to make a few modifications but it's similar.
Find or build a hide. It must be somewhere you can stay for a long stretch of time without being observed, and it must look completely in place in the urban environment.

A perfect hide
Now print out this checklist of common urban birds and tick off each as you see it.
Stroppy Bird | |
Ugly Bird | |
Bird with kids | |
Old Bird | |
Goth Bird | |
Long legged bird | |
Townie Bird | |
Lesser Tarty Jailbait | |
Smalltit | |
Fat Chick | |
Bird Brain | |
Hippy Bird | |
Druggy Bird | |
Bird that wants you out of her bloody bin | |
Pigeon |